The Department of Transportation Management has launched an online system where people can apply for their driving licence in Nepal. Here, we have listed the few steps to follow regarding how to apply for a driving licence in Nepal through online registration.
Online Registration Process for a New Licence
Application Login
For getting a Driving Licence in Nepal, you need to first register yourself on the Online Driving Licence Systemby signing up using your registered phone number. Along with that, you will also need to provide your First name, Last name and Date of Birth.
You will get an OTP on your given number to verify your identity, once you have entered OTP, you can successfully open your account.

Filling up Personal Details

Once you have made an account, you need to sign in to fill out the form. In personal details, you need to include:
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Blood Group
- Education
- Occupation
- Guardian Information
- Citizenship Country
Now, you’ll be taken to another page where you have to enter your current and permanent address and submit it.
Address Details

For both permanent and temporary addresses you need to fill up differently but if it’s the same you can fill the permanent address and click the same as permanent address button for the temporary address. You need to fill the followings in this form:
- Province
- District
- Municipality
- Ward no
- City
- Tole
Citizenship Details

In this step, You need to complete the following information regarding your citizenship:
- Citizenship Number
- Citizenship Type
- Issue District
- Issue Date
- Upload Front and Back photo of Citizenship

After submitting the form, you will be required to fill additional citizenship information like address written in Citizenship. In this step, you will also need to fill in your parents and grandparents names and submit the form.
You can also fill up your passport details but it is not mandatory.
Applying for a Driving Licence
After clicking, “ Apply for a driving licence” icon, you need to agree to all the terms and select the desired licence category.
Now that you’ve given all the necessary information, you may submit a driving licence application.
Office and Date Selection
Further, you need to choose the preferred province and office to get your licence. Additionally, you can apply for urgent delivery, but only a small number of people can use the service.

Then, you will now need to choose the preferred exam day. However, you are limited to choosing the days on which the quota is still available. On the right side of your form, you can see how many days are taken up. Click the apply button after choosing your preferred date and you will receive an OTP code at provided mobile number.

You will be redirected to a new page which notifies that your form is submitted and you can verify all the provided information before processing with the payment. In this page, you can view application and payment details and continue with the proceed with payment button after rechecking all the information.
At this point, the system will have saved all of your data, and you will get a confirmation message for your driving licence application at the top of your account’s home page.
In this same notification, you will see a pay now button, when you click it, a download voucher button will appear. Once you click the button, a payment voucher will be given to you.
For driving licence payment, you need to download, print and submit the form to Rastriya Banijya Bank with the specified amount which is Rs 500 at the moment. Make sure you obtain a copy of the payment voucher after submitting it.
You can print the completed driving licence application form from the same page. On the day of your visit, you must bring it along with a passport-size photo and your authorised signature.
After Online Registration
- On the Day of your visit, you need to buy a ticket at a shop near the office and wait for your turn. They will take your picture and record your citizenship details. Also, your biometrics and eye test will be taken. They will also ask for your blood group but if you don’t have an official document, they may ask for extra charge.
- You are now eligible for a written test. Usually, the exam is at 10:00 am the next morning but they will inform you about the date, time and location of the exam.
You don’t have to take the written test if you already have a licence of any kind (bike, automobile, or any other) and are applying to add a category like a car. In general, you don’t need to pass a written exam if you have a driver’s licence.
- Once you pass the written exam, you can give a vehicle trial exam on the provided date. The written exam result is usually posted within 8:pm on the same date of exam.
- If you pass your trial exam, you need to visit the DOTM office after 10 working days and pay the revenue of Rs 1500 if you are applying for a new licence whereas adding a category only costs Rs. 500. They will provide you your licence number along with a payment slip. Additionally, they’ll let you know when you may expect to pick up your licence. You can drive using the payment slip until then (Rajaswa Paper).
- Temporarily, the slip serves as a licence. Your driving permit will be issued to you soon, then you can go to the DOTM office and collect it.
Note: The process and requirements for obtaining a driving licence in Nepal may change, it is best to check with the Department of Transport Management(DOTM) for the most up-to-date information.
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